FoodCare Technologies sprl | Formulate, Manufacture and Market Natural Protective Processing Aids Extend the Shelf Life whilst maintaining the Organoleptic and Sensory properties of fresh cut fruit and vegetables.

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FoodCare® FCPHCP Field Trial Report

FoodCare® FCPHCP Field Trial Report


  • tomatoes
  • potato-crops
  • carrot-plant
  • green-beans
  • celeriac-plant
  • celery-plant
  • turnips
  • apple-tree
  • avocado-tree
  • mango-tree
  • peach-tree
  • pears
Product code: FCPHCP025


FoodCare®  Crop Barrier System is a clear liquid formulated using European Union and FDA Food Approved, GRAS status, label friendly products from natural sources. It is extremely effective when applied to Pre-Harvest crops/plants with potential high fungal infection.

Potential Benefits:

  • FoodCare® FCPHCP has been independently tested and validated within the market.
  • Provides a barrier against potential pest infestation and fungal infection providing long term protection during the development and growth phase of fruit and vegetable crops
  • User friendly alternative to traditional decontaminants. It is safe and simple to handle - no fumes liberated, no bad odour facilitating a safer and healthier work environment.
  • There is no effect on the organoleptic and sensory properties of the Pre-Harvest vegetable with any loss in nutritional value.
  • Maintains efficacy when exposed to organic matter
  • Does not contain synthetic biocides or antibiotics.
  • Non-mutagenic
  • Non - lachrymatory
  • Biodegradable
  • Very soluble in water
  • Readily dispersible


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