FoodCare Technologies sprl | Formulate, Manufacture and Market Natural Protective Processing Aids Extend the Shelf Life whilst maintaining the Organoleptic and Sensory properties of fresh cut fruit and vegetables.

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Environmental Policy

FoodCare Technologies. Environmental Management Commitment

We have strengthened our committment by implementing an Environmental Management System to the requirements of ISO 14001.

We work with our employees and anyone working for or on behalf of the organisation, to protect and enhance the environment.

We also recognise that all of our activities, products and services can cause impacts on the environment.

FoodCare Technologies is committed to:

  • Striving for continual improvement in our environmental performance and prevention of pollution.
  • Complying with all applicable and legal requirements and with other requirements to which our organisation subscribes, which relate to our environmental respon­sibi­lities.
  • Minimising disturbance to the local environment.
  • Taking action to minimise waste and maximise recycling opportunities.
  • Setting our environmental targets / objectives annually, aiming to reduce our key environmental impacts.