FoodCare Technologies sprl | Formulate, Manufacture and Market Natural Protective Processing Aids Extend the Shelf Life whilst maintaining the Organoleptic and Sensory properties of fresh cut fruit and vegetables.

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  • turnips
  • parsnips
  • savoy-cabbage
  • vegetables


FoodCare® FCFVS is a clear liquid. A blend of European Union and FDA Food Approved, GRAS status, label friendly acidulants which are synergistically blended to inhibit Gam+ and Gram- bacteria, yeast and mold. The product is extremely effective when applied to Fresh Post-Harvest WHOLE un-cut  vegetables with high organic/biofilm loadings.

Potential Benefits:

FoodCare® FCFVS is a patented and innovative decontaminant processing aid designed to maximise micro-organism, yeast and mold destruction achieving a 100% kill level or Log Reductions of 7+ .

Specifically formulated to extend the SHELF LIFE and freshness of Post-Harvest, Whole un-cut fruit without affecting the organoleptic and sensory properties with no loss of nutritional value.

  • Breaks down harmful biofilm.
  • Consumer/Food Processor friendly alternative to traditional decontaminants. It is designed to replace the more hazardous agents such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide, per acetic acid, ozone, metabisulphite and SO2. It is safe and simple to handle - no fumes liberated, no bad odour facilitating a safer and healthier work environment.
  • Maintains efficacy when exposed to organic matter, unlike chlorine based products.
  • Washes away pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertiliser residues.
  • Does not contain synthetic biocides or antibiotics.
  • Non-mutagenic
  • Non - lachrymatory
  • Biodegradable
  • Very soluble in water
  • Concentration measured by conductivity monitoring providing consistent quality from batch to batch improving efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Dosage depends on the level of spoilage/bio film present. For high levels we suggest a concentration of 0.50%. For lower levels 0.15%


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