FoodCare Technologies sprl | Formulate, Manufacture and Market Natural Protective Processing Aids Extend the Shelf Life whilst maintaining the Organoleptic and Sensory properties of fresh cut fruit and vegetables.

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  • apple-basket
  • assorted-fruit
  • fruit-salad
Product code: NBABAF025


FoodCare® FCAF is a white fine granular powder. A blend of European Union and FDA Food Approved , GRAS status, label friendly fruit acidulants which are synergistically blended to delay Enzymic Browning and Extend Shelf Life in a wide variety of prepared fresh fruit snacks and fruit salads without affecting the organoleptic and sensory properties with no loss of nutritional value.  

Fruit Snacks include, Sliced - apples, melons, pineapple, kiwi fruit, strawberries, blackberries, grapes, nectarines, plums, bananas and pears. Fruits salds may include an assortment of these fruits.

FoodCare® FCAF is a patented and innovative Anti-Browning, anti-microbial Processing Aid which significantly improves the SHELF LIFE of fresh cut fruit snacks and fruit salads without affecting the organoleptic and sensory properties of the fruit with no loss of nutritional value.

  • Can be used for multiple range of mixed fruits - apples, pears, plums, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries including the exotic varieties like pineapple, kiwi fruit, mango’s, papaya and melons.
  • Consumer/­Employee friendly alternative being safe and simple to handle. No fumes liberated, no bad odour facilitating a safer and healthier work environment. 
  • Does not contain synthetic biocides or antibiotics.
  • Non-mutagenic
  • Non lachrymatory
  • Biodegradable
  • Anti-microbial- effective against Gram+ and Gram- bacteria, yeast and mould.
  • Very soluble in water at low temperatures 2°C - 4°C
  • Can be added directly to fruit syrups.
  • Concentration measured by conductivity monitoring providing consistent quality from batch to batch improving efficiency and cost effectiveness


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